Am I eligible for Fast Track RPL?
To be awarded RPL you are required to evidence that you have already gained the underpinning knowledge and skills to match the learning outcomes within the course curriculum. This process initially involves the compilation of a portfolio of evidence so that we can assess your application against the required criteria.
Once accepted onto the programme, you will then complete a formal programme of assessment in both theory and practice to establish the levels of RPL exemptions to be awarded and a subsequent schedule of examination preparation.
Initial Qualification For Level 4 Fast Track RPL Assessment
The first benchmark for RPL qualification is to establish your existing qualification level and amount of experience in the specific treatment modality or subject studies for which you are applying. You must have, and be able to evidence, one of the following:
* NOTE - Part-time work in aesthetic practice, additional to the traditional concept of hours worked, also indicates that the modality specific aesthetic procedures for which you are applying for RPL are not provided within your clinical practice as a sole element of your employment or business activities. For example:
No RPL will be awarded for practitioner who have been out of the industry for 2 years or more and all clinical practice must be clearly evidenced and verified.
Once accepted onto the programme, you will then complete a formal programme of assessment in both theory and practice to establish the levels of RPL exemptions to be awarded and a subsequent schedule of examination preparation.
Initial Qualification For Level 4 Fast Track RPL Assessment
The first benchmark for RPL qualification is to establish your existing qualification level and amount of experience in the specific treatment modality or subject studies for which you are applying. You must have, and be able to evidence, one of the following:
- A minimum of Level 3 in Beauty Therapy with at least 2 years in general therapy practice PLUS a minimum of 2 years working full time in aesthetic practices or 4 years working part-time*.
- A minimum of Level 3 in Beauty Therapy with less than 2 years general beauty therapy experience PLUS at least 3 years working in full-time in aesthetic practice or 5 years part-time*
- A medical practitioner with at least 2 years working full time in aesthetic practice or 3 years working part-time*
* NOTE - Part-time work in aesthetic practice, additional to the traditional concept of hours worked, also indicates that the modality specific aesthetic procedures for which you are applying for RPL are not provided within your clinical practice as a sole element of your employment or business activities. For example:
- You will be classed as a part time aesthetic practitioner if you work full time in a beauty salon offering a wide range of therapies with advanced procedures as an additional offering.
- You will be classed as a full-time aesthetic practitioner if you have worked within a designated aesthetic clinic or medispa.
No RPL will be awarded for practitioner who have been out of the industry for 2 years or more and all clinical practice must be clearly evidenced and verified.